ABOUT US 当社について

E-ACE is a distributing company, supplying high-quality autoparts to the Japanese market. One of our strengths is an ability to offer a complete range of products. Whether it is for local or imported carmakes, we can supply it.

The essence to our success is the strict focus we place on quality. Our products are guaranteed to be free from any defect in workmanship and materials during the service life recommended for each item.

We are supported by partner manufacturing facilities in China and South East Asia, with high-tech automated machinery and testing equipment.

Our company is strongly committed to providing endless value to our customers, our employees and our business partners.

E-ACE株式会社は、高品質の自動車部品を日本市場に供給する販売会社です。 当社の強みの 1 つは、あらゆる製品を取り揃えていることです。 国産車でも輸入車でも対応可能です。

私たちの成功の本質は、品質に徹底的に重点を置くことです。 当社の製品は、各商品に推奨されている耐用年数の間、製造上および材料上の欠陥がないことが保証されます。

